VaxigripTetra NH/VaxigripTetra SH

VaxigripTetra NH/VaxigripTetra SH

vaccine, influenza


Kalventis Sinergi Farma
Concise Prescribing Info
Quadrivalent influenza vaccine (split virion, inactivated)
Prevention of influenza disease caused by the 2 influenza A virus subtypes & the 2 influenza B virus types contained in the vaccine for active immunisation of adults, including pregnant women, & childn ≥6 mth; & passive protection of infant from birth to <6 mth of age following vaccination of pregnant women.
Dosage/Direction for Use
IM or SC Adult 1 dose of 0.5 mL. Childn 6 mth-17 yr 1 dose of 0.5 mL, <9 yr who have not previously been vaccinated A 2nd dose of 0.5 mL should be given after an interval of at least 4 wk. Passive protection 1 dose of 0.5 mL to pregnant women.
Hypersensitivity to influenza vaccine or to any component that may be present as traces eg, eggs (ovalbumin, chicken proteins), neomycin, formaldehyde & octoxinol-9. Postpone vaccination in case of moderate or severe febrile disease or acute disease.
Special Precautions
Not to be administered intravascularly. Anaphylactic reaction following administration. Patients w/ thrombocytopaenia or bleeding disorder. Syncope (fainting). May not protect all vaccinees. Ab response in patients w/ endogenous or iatrogenic immunosuppression may be insufficient. Regarding passive protection, not all infants <6 mth born to women vaccinated during pregnancy will be protected.
Adverse Reactions
Headache; myalgia; malaise, inj site pain, erythema, swelling, induration; shivering, fever. Paed population: Inj site ecchymosis, tenderness; vomiting; irritability, appetite loss, crying abnormal, drowsiness.
Drug Interactions
Immunological response may be reduced w/ immunosuppressants. False +ve results in serology tests using ELISA method.
MIMS Class
Vaccines, Antisera & Immunologicals
ATC Classification
J07BB02 - influenza, inactivated, split virus or surface antigen ; Belongs to the class of influenza viral vaccines.
VaxigripTetra NH/VaxigripTetra SH susp for inj 0.5 mL
1's (Rp283,450/boks)
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